Role of Oestrogen and Progestin in Human Mammary Carcinogenesis --;Molecular Genetics of Steroid Hormone Receptors --;Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer --;Prognostic Factors in Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients --;Long-Term Tamoxifen Therapy: An Appropriate Chemosuppressive Treatment for Breast Cancer --;Tamoxifen as an Agonist for Metastatic Breast Cancer --;A Review of the International Experience with the LHRH Agonist Zoladex in the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer in Pre- and Perimenopausal Women --;Adjuvant Systemic Therapy in Node-Negative Breast Cancer --;Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Premenopausal Breast Cancer Patients is Effective by Means Other than Ovarian Function Suppression --;Alternative Methods for Describing Treatment Benefit Including Quality-of-Life Considerations.
Presents a critical review of some of the most controversial issues in breast cancer. Topics include hormones, receptors, cell differentiation and growth, prognosis and treatment, node-negative disease, and treatment benefits.