Introduction --;Normal Cell Lineages and the Phenotype of the Breast Cancer Cell --;The Oestrogen-Related pS2-BCEI Protein in Breast Cancer --;Do All Roads Lead to the Oestrogen Receptor?- Tamoxifen for the Treatment of Breast Cancer in the Premenopausal Patient --;The Multi-Drug Resistance Phenotype and its Reversal by Drugs (with Special Emphasis on Anti- Oestrogens) --;New Endocrine Agents for Breast Cancer --;Prognostic Factors in Primary Breast Cancer: Second Thoughts --;The Contribution of Perturbed Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions to Cancer Pathogenesis --;Reporting Results from Adjuvant Therapy Trials with Special Emphasis on Quality-of-Life Findings --;Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapies in Pre- and Post-Menopausal Breast Cancer.
This is the fifth issue of the monograph on Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer. The spectrum of the items is remarkably broad and includes the normal breast cell, the cancer cell, mechanisms of resistance to therapeuticagents, new endocrine treatments, the patient with breast cancer, her quality of life, and some public health issues related to the population of women with the disease. Special emphasis is given to the understanding of various biological events and mechanisms related to the effects of endocrine therapies and to mesenchymal and epithelial interactions. The clinical relevance of endocrine therapies is extensively discussed touching a broad spectrum of issues which include the search for novel endocrine treatments, prognostic factors and treatment responsiveness factors, effects of the combination of chemotherapy and endocrine therapies on patients with breast cancer, as wellas aspects of quality of life and of reporting data from trials concerned with the treatments of the disease. The field of breast cancer continuesto represent a most interesting and fertile ground for implementation of knowledge on human malignant diseases. The authors of this European School of Oncology Monograph hope that the reports included in it will be helpful for cross-fertilization between basic and clinical research in the field.