Urodynamic Concepts --;Hydrodynamic Aspects of Urinary Tract Infection --;Motion Picture: Energy Destroyer in Urology --;The Potential Value of Urodynamic Measurements in Clinical Practice --;A New Uro-Rheomanometer --;Technique of Routine Cine/Pressure/Flow Cystography --;The Mictiograph --;a New Principle in the Measurement and Recording of Urinary Flow --;Descending Simultaneous Measurement of the Urinary Bladder and Sphincter Pressures during Continuous Perfusion of the Urethra after Operations for Incontinence --;Discussion --;Spontaneous Generation of Excitation in the Pyeloureteral System and the Effect of Adrenergic Substances --;Discussion --;Urinary Flow and Ureteral Peristalsis --;Discussion --;Functional Parameters of Ureteral Peristalsis --;Complex Analyses of the Dynamics of the Renal Cavity System --;Electron Microscopic Observations on Human Ureteric Structure --;The Autonomic Innervation of the Ureter and Ureterovesical Junction --;Discussion --;Dynamics of the Ureter --;Ureteral Physiology in the Monkey --;The Effect of Adrenergic Substances on the Ureter Dynamics --;Discussion --;Ureteral Peristalsis and Adrenergic Drugs --;Spasmolysis by?-Adrenergic Agents --;Discussion --;Functional Changes in Peristalsis: Hydronephrosis of Pregnancy --;Histochemical Studies on the Ureter after Ligation --;Changes in the Electrophysiologic Activity of the Ureter in Irregular Renaland Ureteral Hemodynamics --;The Effect of Acute and Chronic Urinary Obstruction on Renal Function --;Congenital Ureteral Strictures --;Discussion --;Functional Ureteral Stenosis --;Discussion --;The Influence of Bladder Dynamics on Ureteral Dynamics --;Discussion --;Congenital Physiopathology of the Ureterovesical Junction --;The Growth of Ureterovesical Unity. A Contribution to the Study of Muscular Arrangement in the Terminal Ureter --;Anatomical Aspects of Vesicoureteral Reflux --;Discussion --;Primary Vesico-Ureteral Reflux in Children --;Ureteral Dynamics in Obstructive Uropathy --;Dynamics of Urinary Obstructions --;Discussion --;Clinical Experiences with Antireflux Procedures --;Discussion --;Normal Micturition --;Studies of Mechanisms of Continence, Incontinence and Voiding --;Vesicourethral Dynamics --;Clinical Problems Associated with Urodynamic Abnormalities with Special Reference to the Value of Synchronous Cine/Pressure/Flow Cystography and the Clinical Importance of Detrusor Function Studies --;Static and Dynamic Pressure Parameters in the Closure of the Bladder --;Discussion --;The Measurements of the Urethrovesical Angle and its Importance for the Function of the Bladder Neck --;The Velocity Profile of the Human Urethra: Measurement and Significance --;Correlation of Flow Rate Profile with Diseases of the Urethra in Man --;Resistance Measurements in the Human Urethra --;Discussion --;Electric-Sensibility of the Bladder --;Electrostimulation of the Neurogenic Urinary Bladder --;Discussion --;Dynamics of the Urinary Bladder Orifices during Electrical Neurostimulation of the Bladder --;Discussion --;Energy Balance of Voiding Post-Ileocecocystoplasty --;Summary and Conclusions of the 1st International Symposium on Urodynamics.
Clinically applicable methods for functional assessment of the upper urinary tract are (RUTISHAUSER): direct observation of the ureteral orinces, intravenous and retro- grade visualization by roentgen contrast medium, sequential pyelography, roentgen kymography, and cinematography.