I. Introduction --;1 --;Systematics of the Study of Prehistoric Regional Exchange in North America --;II. Eastern North America --;2 --;Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange on the Maritime Peninsula --;3 --;The Prehistoric Transportation of Goods in the St. Lawrence River Basin --;4 --;Late Archaic through Late Woodland Exchange in the Middle Atlantic Region --;5 --;Prehistoric Exchange in the Southeast --;6 --;Empirical Characterization of Exchange Systems in Lower Mississippi Valley Prehistory --;7 --;Prehistoric Exchange in the Lower Mississippi Valley --;8 --;Trade and Exchange in the Midwestern United States --;III. The North American West --;9 --;Prehistoric Plains Trade --;10 --;Prehistoric Trade and Exchange in the Interior Plateau of Northwestern North America --;11 --;Trade and Exchange in Prehistoric British Columbia --;12 --;Mosiac Patterning in Prehistoric California-Great Basin Exchange --;13 --;Prehistoric Exchange Systems in California --;IV. Conclusion --;14 --;Positioning Exchange in the Evolution of Human Society.
In this unique volume, archaeologists examine the changing economic structure of trade in North America over a period of 6,000 years.