1. Death on hemodialysis: preventable or inevitable? --;2. Survival of middle-aged dialysis patients in Japan and the US, 1988-89 --;3. Analysis of causes of death and of the direction of management to improve survival. Data from European Renal Association Registry (ERA-EDTA) --;4. Treacherous fantasy: The unfulfilled promise of Kt/V --;5. ESRD registry statistics on dialysis mortality in Japan --;6. International comparisons of dialysis survival are meaningless to evaluate differences in dialysis procedures --;7. Peracetic acid reuse as a risk factor for hemodialysis patient survival --;8. Twenty-five years of safe reuse --;9. Reuse accelerates death --;10. Reuse kills and everyone knows so --;11. Survival and cardiovascular mortality in type I and type II diabetics with end stage renal disease --;12. Mortality comparison for diabetic ESRD patients treated with CAPD versus hemodialysis --;13. The relative contribution of measured variables to death risk among hemodialysis patients --;14. Short hemodialysis: big trouble in a small package --;15. Functional and vocational rehabilitation of hemodialysis patients --;16. Correlates of long-term survival on hemodialysis --;17. Resuscitate home hemodialysis --;18. Noncompliance frustrates formulae in maintenance dialysis patients --;19. The UK dialysis picture revisited --;20. Blood pressure control: the neglected factor that affects survival of dialysis patients --;21. Many deaths in hemodialysis patients are preventable --;22. Epilogue: Lessons from mortality risks and rates.
Death on Hemodialysis: Preventable or Inevitable? presents the transactions of the Brooklyn meeting, held in April 1993, including an analysis by Scribner and Schreiner and an introduction by Edmund Bourke.