Introductory Essay --;Introductory Essay: The Future and Past of Metaarchaeology --;I: Archaeology --;What is the Archaeology of Chiefdoms about? --;Is a Scientific Archaeology Possible? --;Interpreting the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization: A Case Study of Changing Archaeological Perspectives --;Explanation in Archaeology: Reactions and Rebuttals --;II: Philosophy of Archaeology --;Universalization in Archaeological Explanation --;Phenomenology of a Change in Archaeological Observation --;Gender and Archaeological Knowledge --;Philosophical Models for Postprocessual Archaeology --;Explanation in Archaeology: An Update --;The Place of Archaeology in Science --;On 'Heavily Decomposing Red Herrings': Scientific Method in Archaeology and the Ladening of Evidence with Theory --;Selected Bibliography of Archaeological Metaarchaeology --;Bibliography of Philosophical Metaarchaeology --;Index of Names --;Index of Topics.
An idea of the philosophy of archaeology can best be gained by showing what it is, what the issues are, who is working in the field, and how they proceed.