1. Introduction --;2. The DSSSL Specification --;2.1. Architectural Forms --;2.2. The DSSSL Architectural Form --;2.3. Features --;2.4. Character Repertoires --;2.5. SGML Grove Plan --;2.6. External Specification --;2.7. Stylesheet Partitioning --;3. The Programming Language --;3.1. Introduction --;3.2. Expressions --;3.3. Data Types --;3.4. Repetitive Processing --;3.5. Standard Procedures --;3.6. Core Expression Language --;4. The Process of Grove Constructiona --;4.1. Introduction --;4.2. Property Sets --;4.3. Intrinsic Data Types --;4.4. Intrinsic Properties --;4.5. Grove Plans --;4.6. The SGML Property Set --;4.7. The Grove --;4.8. Classes of the SGML Propset --;5. The Standard Document Query Language (SDQL) --;5.1. Introduction --;5.2. Query Language Datatypes --;5.3. Node Procedures --;5.4. Property Procedures --;5.5. Exercises --;6. The Transformation Process --;6.1. Introduction --;6.2. Processing Model Overview --;6.3. The Transformer --;6.4. The Transformation Language --;6.5. Transformation Expressions --;7. The Style Process --;7.1. Introduction --;7.2. Tutorial of the Style Language --;7.3. Detailed Explanation of the Flow Object Classes --;7.4. Additional Classes --;7.5. Basic example --;7.6. Catalog of Flow Object Classes --;A. Tools Supporting DSSSL --;A. l. DSSSLprint --;A.l.l. Description --;A.1.2. Automatization and Process Flow --;A.1.3. Level of Coverage of DSSSL --;A.1.4. Extensions over the Standard --;A. 1.4.1. Line-field --;A.1.4.2. Link --;A. 1.4.3. Display-group --;A. 1.4.4. External-graphic --;A. 1.4.5. Sideline --;A.l.4.6. Superscript --;A. 1.4.7. Subscript --;A. 1.4.8. Common Characteristics of Displayed Objects --;A. 1.4.9. Table-cell --;A.1.4.10. Table-row --;A.1.4.11. Common Flow Object Characteristics --;A. 1.4.12. Column-set-sequence --;A.2. OpenJade.
The DSSSL standard starts with the supposition of a pre-existing SGML document, and offers a series of processes that can be performed on it: * Groves The first process that is performed on an SGML document in DSSSL is always the analysis of the document and the creation of a grove.