edited by Mohammad S. Obaidat, Georgios I. Papadimitriou.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(528 pages)
1: Introduction to Applied System Simulation --;2: Fundamentals of System Simulation --;3: Simulation of Computer System Architectures --;4: Simulation of Parallel and Distributed Systems Scheduling --;5: Modeling and Simulation of ATM Systems and Networks --;6: Simulation of Wireless Networks --;7: Satellite System Simulation --;8: Simulation in Web Data Management --;9: Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Transceivers --;10: Agent-Oriented Simulation --;11: A Distributed Intelligent Discrete-Event Environment for Autonomous Agents Simulation --;12: Simulation in the Health Services and Biomedicine --;13: Simulation in Environmental and Ecological Systems --;14: Simulation in City Planning and Engineering --;15: Simulation of Manufacturing Systems --;16: Aerospace Vehicle and Air Traffic Simulation --;17: Simulation in Business Administration and Management --;18: Military Applications of Simulation --;19: Simulation in Education and Training --;20: Parallel and Distributed Simulation --;21: Verification, Validation, and Accreditation of Simulation Models.
Simulation and molding are efficient techniques that can aid the city and regional planners and engineers in optimizing the operation of urban systems such as traffic light control, highway toll automation, consensus building, public safety, and environmental protection.
Computer simulation.
edited by Mohammad S. Obaidat, Georgios I. Papadimitriou.