edited by Arlene Dallalfar, Esther Kingston-Mann and Tim Sieber.
1st ed
New York
Palgrave Macmillan
(xii, 259 p.) : ill.
Foreword: Microcosms of Hope: Foreword; H. Jones --;Introduction: Faculty Collaboration and Transformative Pedagogical Practice; T. Sieber, E. Kingston-Mann & A. Dallalfar --;The Institutional Context of Innovation and Change --;Academic integrity and Academic Inclusion: The Mission of the 'Outsider Within'; E. Kingston-Mann --;A History Lived and Lessons Learned: Collaboration, Change, and Teaching Transformation; T. Sieber --;Pedagogy for the Professoriate: The Personal Meets the Political; D. Patmon --;PART I: FACULTY IDENTITY AS A RESOURCE FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING --;Imaging the Spaces between Art and Inclusive Pedagogy; V. Poey --;Inexplicable Desire, Pedagogical Compulsion: Teaching the Literatures of the Middle East; R. Srikanth --;Teaching Women's Lives: Feminist Pedagogy and the Sociological Imagination; A. Dallalfar --;Teaching Art History at an Art School: Making Sense from the Margin; S.K. Sanyal --;PART II: ENGAGING STUDENTS IN LEARNING --;The Whole Person in Front of Me: Toward a Pedagogy of Empathy and Compassion; R.A. Robinson --;Teaching Ethics Through Multicultural Lenses; J. Lucas --;Hearing Students' Silence: Issues of Identity, Performance, and Recognition in College Classrooms; C. Panofsky & L. Bogad --;Exploring and Exploding the Boundaries of Inclusive Teaching: Social Class Confronts Race and Gender; P. Brown --;Building Agency through Writing; M. Jones --;Words Matter: Vocabulary in a Diverse Pre-college-level Writing Class; R. Pepp Academic integrity and academic inclusion: the mission of the "outsider within" / Esther Kingston-Mann --;A history lived and lessons learned: collaboration, change, and teaching transformation / Tim Sieber --;Pedagogy for the professoriate: the personal meets the political / Denise Patmon --;Imaging the spaces between art and inclusive pedagogy / Vivian Poey --;Inexplicable desire, pedagogical compulsion: teaching the literatures of the Middle East / Rajini Srikanth --;Teaching women's lives: feminist pedagogy and the sociological imagination / Arlene Dallalfar --;Teaching art history at an art school: making sense from the margin / Sunanda K. Sanyal --;The whole person in front of me: toward a pedagogy of empathy and compassion / Robin A. Robinson --;Teaching ethics through multicultural lenses / Janel Lucas --;Hearing students' silence: issues of identity, performance, and recognition in college classrooms / Carolyn P. Panofsky and Lesley Bogad --;Exploring/exploding the boundaries of inclusive teaching: social class confronts race and gender / Phyllis Charlotte Brown --;Building agency through writing / Marjorie Jones --;Words matter: vocabulary in a diverse precollege-level writing class / Richard Pepp.
Transforming Classroom Culture is an anthology of original work authored by diverse faculty who work in a variety of New England college and university settings - private and public, racially homogeneous and diverse.
College teaching -- United States.
College teaching.
Effective teaching -- United States.
edited by Arlene Dallalfar, Esther Kingston-Mann and Tim Sieber.