General Aspects of Spinal Tumors --;Imaging of the Spine: Techniques and Indications --;Imaging Intradural Extra and Intramedullary Tumors --;Imaging of Extradural Tumors: Secondary Tumors --;Imaging of Extradural Tumors: Primary Tumors --;Imaging of Extradural Tumors: Secondary Tumors in Childhood --;Interventional Procedures of Vertebral Tumors --;Current Concepts of Surgical Therapy of Vertebral Tummors --;Current Concepts of Surgical Therapy of Intradural and Intramedullary Tumors --;Currenct Concepts of Radiation Therapy of Spinal Tumors --;Current Concepts of Systemic Therapy of Spinal Tumors --;Subject Index --;List of Contributors.
Many different opinions exist as to the appropriate diagnostic workup and therapy for spinal tumors. By addressing in detail all of the relevant topics and areas of contention, it should prove of great value in establishing rational imaging and therapeutic protocols for spinal tumors.
Spinal Neoplasms -- diagnosis.
Spinal Neoplasms -- therapy.
Spine -- Tumors.
P.R. Algra, J. Valk, J.J. Heimans, (eds.) ; with contributions by P.R. Algra [and others] ; foreword by A.L. Baert.