1 Embryology and Congenital Malformations of the Female Genital Tract --;2 The Vulva --;3 Diseases of the Vagina --;4 Female Genital Tract Changes Related to Prenatal Diethylstilbestrol Exposure --;5 Anatomy and Histology of the Cervix --;6 Benign Lesions of the Cervix --;7 Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia --;8 Diagnostic Procedures for Lesions of the Cervix --;9 Carcinoma and Other Malignant Tumors of the Cervix --;10 Hormones of the Menstrual Cycle --;11 Normal Endometrium --;12 Benign Diseases of the Endometrium --;13 Endometrial Neoplasia: Hyperplasia and Carcinoma --;14 Mesenchymal Tumors of the Uterus --;15 Pathology of the Fallopian Tube --;16 Anatomy and Histology of the Human Ovary --;17 Inflammatory Diseases of the Ovary --;18 Non-neoplastic Cysts of the Ovary --;19 Pelvic Endometriosis --;20 Disorders of Female Sex Differentiation --;21 Primary Epithelial Tumors of the Ovary --;22 Mesenchymal Tumors and Malignant Lymphoma of the Ovary --;23 Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors --;24 Germ Cell Tumors of the Ovary --;25 Ovarian Neoplasms of Childhood and Adolescence --;26 Metastatic Carcinoma in the Ovary --;27 Aspiration Cytology of Normal Structures and Non-neoplastic Cysts of the Ovary --;28 Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Ovarian Tumors --;29 Fertilization, Implantation, and Placentation --;30 Abnormalities and Diseases of the Placenta, Membranes and Umbilical Cord --;31 Abortion --;32 Gestational Trophoblast Disease --;33 Amniotic Fluid: Biochemical Assays Relating to Fetal Viability --;34 Pathologic Factors Involved in Infertility --;35 Cytology of the Female Genital Tract --;36 Gross Description and Processing of Obstetric and Gynecologic Tissue --;37 Animal Models for Tumors of the Female Genital Tract.
The response to the First Edition of this text confirmed our belief that there was a need for a book of this kind. The multi-authored approach has been retained, ensuring that authoritative, current information is incorporated into each chapter and that references are up-to-date. The section on diseases of the vagina has been enhanced by a greater emphasis on the clinical aspects. The chapter on DES induced lesions has been updated with the data of the DeSAD study and the section on adenocar cinoma of the cervix has been enlarged by the description of the undifferenti ated lesions including "glassy cell and signet cell" carcinoma. A departure from the traditional chapter approach has been made in the discussion of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma in order to present a conceptual view of these diseases. A similar presentation of diseases of the myometrium has been made. The subjects of lymphomas and mesenchymal tumors of the ovary have been enlarged upon and presented in a separate chapter. Fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors and of non malignant disorders of the ovary has become an increasingly useful technique. Two new chapters have been added to cover this subject. Many of the changes made in the second edition were in response to reviewers of the First Edition. It is hoped that their constructive suggestions have been addressed. Ancel Blaustein, M.D.