IFIP TC5 WG5.2 Seventh Workshop on Geometric Modeling: Fundamentals and Applications October 2-4, 2000, Parma, Italy
edited by Umberto Cugini, Michael Wozny.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(x, 240 pages)
IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing, 80.
1. Simultaneous product development: the move from serial collaboration to parallel co-development --;2. Models and representations for families of parts --;3. Transfinite interpolation of surfaces with integral constraints using a design language --;4. The flattening of arbitrary surfaces by approximation with developable stripes --;5. Satisfying interaction constraints --;6. Distance constraint satisfaction based on geometric relaxation --;7. 3D sketch: sketch-based model reconstruction and rendering --;8. Web-based interaction on feature models --;9. A rendering-based CAD method for the design and testing of rearview mirrors --;10. Meshfree automation of engineering analysis --;11. A 3D graphic environment for garments design --;12. Generating CAD models from sketches --;13. Parametric design method based on topological and geometrical constraints --;14. Spatial modeling and reasoning for automatic dimensional inspection --;15. Quartic supercyclides for geometric design --;16. Shape abstraction using computational topology techniques --;17. From solids to particle-based models --;Author index --;Keyword index.
The workshop looked at new paradigms for CAD including the evolution of geometric-centric CAD systems, modeling of non-rigid materials, shape modeling, geometric modeling and virtual prototyping, and new methods of interaction with geometric models.