PART I: HISTORY AND AESTHETICS --;Black British Women and Theatre: An Overview --;Black Feminist Performance Aesthetics --;PART II: PLAYS --;Winsome Pinnock's Migration Narratives --;Jacqueline Rudet (Re)Writing Sexual Deviancy --;Jackie Kay and Valerie Mason-John's Zamis, Lesbians and Queers --;PART III: PERFORMANCES --;Black Mime Theatre Women's Troops --;Solo Voices: Performance Art, Dance and Poetry --;PART IV: CONCLUSIONS --;Black Feminist Futures?
Staging Black Feminisms explores the development and principles of black British women's plays and performance since the late Twentieth century. Using contemporary performance theory to explore key themes, it offers close textual readings and production analysis of a range of plays, performance poetry and live art works by practitioners.
Black theater -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.
Feminist theater -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.
Lesbian theater -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.