Papers presented at the MIT Parsing Project lecture series during the years 1987-1989--Editorial preface.
Principles of principle-based parsing / Robert C. Berwick --;Deductive parsing : the use of knowledge of language / Mark Johnson --;The computational implementation of principle-based parsers / Sandiway Fong --;Empty categories, chain binding, and parsing / Nelson Correa --;Parsing Warlpiri : a free word order language / Michael B. Kashket --;Principle-based parsing for machine translation / Bonnie Jean Dorr --;Principle-based interpretation of natural language quantifiers / Samuel S. Epstein --;Avoid the pedestrian's paradox / Edward P. Stabler, Jr. --;Parsing with changing grammars : evaluating a language acquisition model / Rick Kazman --;Parsing by chunks / Steven P. Abney --;Subcategorization and sentence processing / Paul Gorrell --;Subjacency in a principle-based parser / Bradley L. Pritchett --;Locating Wh traces / Howard S. Kurtzman, Loren F. Crawford, and Caylee Nychis-Florence.
Computational linguistics.
Parsing (Computer grammar)
edited by Robert C. Berwick, Steven P. Abney, and Carol Tenny.