1. Inside the 'black box' of tourism planning and policy: setting a context --;2. Tourism planning and policy: responding to change --;the sustainable imperative --;3. The changing dimensions of tourism planning --;4. Tourism planning systems: theory, thinking and exorcism --;5. The integrated and strategic tourism planning process: dealing with interdependence --;6. Tourism planning and policy at the international and supranational level --;7. Tourism planning and policy at the national and sub-national level --;8. Planning destinations: competition and cooperation --;9. Planning sites: sustainable design --;10. Implementation and instruments: policy and implementation as two sides of the same coin --;11. Conclusions and reflections: thinking sustainable planning.
This work examines key concepts and emphasises primary themes of tourism planning. It examines the forces which drive planning, and how tourism is integrated into existing social, economic, natural, business and political environments.