The Variation of G and the Problem of the Moon --;Primatons, Maximum Energy Density Quanta, Possible Constituents of the Ylem --;Dynamical Higgs Mechanism and Hyperhadron Spectroscopy --;Glueballs: Their Spectra, Production and Decay --;Quarks in Light Baryons --;Color van der Waals Forces? --;The Question of Proton Stability, Summary --;A Review of Charmed Particle Production in Hadronic Collisions --;Infrared Properties of the Gluon Propagator: A Progress Report --;Theoretical Aspects of Proton Decay --;Fun with E6 --;SO10 as a Viable Unification Group --;Migdalism Revisited: Calculating the Bound States of Quantum Chromodynamics --;The U(1) Problem and Anomalous Ward Identities --;Renormalizing the Strong-Coupling Expansion for Quantum Field Theory: Present Status --;On the n-p Mass Difference in QCD --;Testing Strong and Weak Gauge Theories in Quarkonium Decays --;Selection Rules for Baryon Number Nonconservation in Gauge Models --;Nonlinear Effects in Nuclear Matter and Self-Induced Transparency --;Program --;Participants.