Architecture of the Lymph Node with Regard to Its Function --;The Deep Cortex of the Lymph Node: Morphological Variations and Functional Aspects --;Differences Between Lymph Node Structure and Function in Normal and Athymic Rats --;Structure and Function of High Endothelial Postcapillary Venules in Lymphocyte Circulation --;Germinal Center Reaction and B Lymphocytes: Morphology and Function --;T Lymphocytes in Non-neoplastic Lymph Nodes --;The Plasmacytoid T Cell or Plasmacytoid Monocyte --;A Sessile Lymphoid Cell with Unique Immunophenotype and Unknown Function, Still Awaiting Lineage Affiliation --;Accessory Cells in Normal Human and Rodent Lymph Nodes: Morphology, Phenotype, and Functional Implications --;Macrophages in Different Compartments of the Non-neoplastic Lymph Node --;Phenotypic Characterization of Macrophages in Non-neoplastic Lymph Nodes --;Immunoelectron-microscopic Investigations of Lymph Nodes.
Despite our original intention to publish all the contributions in one book, it became necessary to divide them: Part 1 focuses on the involved nodal compartments, cell types, and functions, while Part 2 describes their reactions in inflammatory, neo- plastic, and immune-deficient diseases.