Hugh J. McQueen, Stefano Spigarelli, Michael E. Kassner, Enrico Evangelista.
CRC Press
(616 pages : 32 illustrations).
Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing
Aluminum and Its AlloysIntroduction, History, and ApplicationsCrystal Structure and Slip BehaviorStarting Point for Analyzing Plastic FormingAlloy DevelopmentAlloy and Temper DesignationsSolidification, Segregation, and Constitutive ParticlesAluminum Industry OrganizationMetal Forming and Deformation ModesIntroduction to Metal FormingIndustrial Processing OverviewComputational Modeling and SimulationMechanical: Elastic/Plastic Stress/StrainMechanical: Constitutive EquationsMicrostructural DevelopmentHot Work Testing TechniquesIntroduction to TestingTorsionCompressionTensionHot RollingExtrusionHot Working of AluminumDRV, Historical PerspectiveSteady-State Flow CurvesConstitutive AnalysisMicrostructure EvolutionCrystal Rotations, Texture, and Strain-Induced BoundariesGB Serrations; Geometric DRX: Grain Refining DRVDRX of Al AlloysGB Sliding and MigrationHot Ductility and Failure MechanismsHot Working of Dispersoid and Solute AlloysGeneral Dispersoid EffectsAl-Mn Alloys, Can Stock (3000 Series)Al-Fe and Al-Fe-Co Conductor AlloysAl-Si Eutectic Forging Alloys (4000 Series)Mechanical AlloyingRapidly Solidified AlloysAl-Mg Alloys (5000 Series)Al-Mg-Mn Alloys (5000 Series)Hot Ductility of Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Mn AlloysPrecipitation Hardening AlloysIntroduction: Precipitation BehaviorAl-Mg-Si Alloys (6000 Series)Al-Cu-Mg Alloys (2000 Series)Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys (7000 Series)Al-Li-XX Alloys (8000 Series, 2090)Aluminum Matrix CompositesIntroductionVarieties and FabricationHot DeformationForging ExperimentsComparative Extrusion BehaviorComparison of Hot Working of other MetalsFace-Centered Cubic Metals (Low SFE)Body-Centered Cubic MetalsHCP MetalsWorkability of Dual Phase Alloys of Ti, Zr, and FeSummary: Hot Workability of Different Crystal StructuresCreep: Strain Rates below 10 4 s 1Introduction: Objectives and DescriptionFive-Power-Law CreepDiffusional CreepHarper-Dorn CreepThree-Power Law Viscous Glide CreepCreep Behavior of Particle-Strengthened AlloysCreep Fracture: Grain Boundary SlidingCold WorkingIntroductionFundamentals of Single-Crystal PlasticityDeformation of PolycrystalsDevelopment of Dislocation Substructure: TexturesInfluence of Solute and SFEVery High Strains: Cyclic Extrusion-CompressionVery High Strains by Equal-Channel-Angular PressingComparison of Hot and Cold WorkingModels for Cold and Hot WorkingStatic Restoration, AnnealingIntroductionSRV after Cold WorkingSRX after Cold WorkingSRV after Hot WorkingSRX after Hot WorkingSRV and SRX during Hot Forming SchedulesThermomechanical ProcessingIntroduction to ObjectivesStrengthening MechanismsHot Working with Retained SubstructureHot Working with Static RecrystallizationCold Working and AnnealingProduct TexturesDeformation, Precipitation, and ParticlesPowder Consolidation: Multiphase MaterialsSuperplasticityIntroduction to the PhenomenonFundamentals of SuperplasticityClassification of Processes for Refining MicrostructureHeavy Cold or Warm Working and SRXWarm Working with cDRX in Superplastic StrainingSevere Plastic Deformation at Room TemperatureExtrusionIntroduction to the ProcessControl ParametersInsights from FEMSubstructures and Microstructures in ExtrusionsExtrusion Microstructures in Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Mn (5000 Series)Extrusion of Al-Mg-Si Alloys (6000 Series)Extrudability of Al-Zn-Mg Alloys (7000 Series, Cu Free)Extrudability of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys (7000 Series)Extrudability of Al-Cu-Mg Alloys (2000 Series)Surface Failure in ExtrusionExtrudate Properties and RecrystallizationRollingIntroduction: The Rolling ProcessStatic Recovery and RecrystallizationHot and Warm RollingRolling, DRV, SRV, and SRX: TexturesRod Rolling; Particle-Stabilized WireTorsional Simulation of RollingRolling Simulation in CompressionModeling of RollingHot and Cold ForgingFeedstockPreheatForging Rate: Press EffectsShape and Fiber Control: Die TypeModeling: Shape and StructureMicrostructure DevelopmentPropertiesComparison to Semisolid Forming
Hugh J. McQueen, Stefano Spigarelli, Michael E. Kassner, Enrico Evangelista.