The Ortho Side of Pcbs Occurrence and Disposition.
Hansen, Larry G.
Springer Verlag
Preface. Acknowledgments. 1. PCBs: Production and Properties. 2. The Individual Chlorobiphenyls. 3. Interpretation of Analytical Data. 4. Atmospheric Transport. 5. The Hydrosphere and Lithosphere. 6. Metabolism and Metabolites. 7. Disposition and Toxicokinetics. 8. Food Chain Profiles. References. Appendices: 1. Nomenclature of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. 2. PCB Congener Weight % in Aroclors of 5 Types. 3. Some Properties of Chlorobiphenyls. 4. Estimation of PCB Congener Production Ratios. 5. Comparison of Human Residues Reported by Sample Authors without Standards available. 6. Airborne PCBs. 7. Percent Congener Composition of PCBs in Various Plants. 8. Dispersion in Air. 9. Sediments and Water. 10. PCB Residues in Fish from the Great Lakes. 11. `Average' Fish Residue Profiles. 12. Average Human Milk. 13. Frequencies of Congener Occurrence in Breast Milk Surveys. 14. Abbreviations. Index.