International Space Station The Next Space Marketplace.
Haskell, G.; Rycroft, Michael J
Springer Verlag
Acknowledgements. Foreword. Keynote Address. ISS: From Political to Scientific and Economic Preeminence; W. Kroll, H.W. Ripken. Session 1: Management of the Research and Development Process. Session Chair; J.G. Vaz. Brazilian Participation in the International Space Station, with an Emphasis on Microgravity Research; J.G. Vaz, J.A. Guimaraes. BEOS - A New Approach to Promote and Organize Industrial ISS Utilization; B. Bratke, et al. Protein Crystallography Services on the International Space Station; M. Harrington, et al. Commercial Protein Crystallisation Facility: Experiences from the STS 95 Mission; W. Lork, et al. The ISS, an Opportunity for Technology in Space; J. Tailhades, D. Routier. ISS: Management of the Commercial Research and Development Process; R. Moslener. Report on Panel Discussion 1. Management of the Research & Development Process; O. Gurtuna, C. Rousseau. Session 2: Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Use ISS for Profit. Session Chair: J.K. von der Lippe. Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Use the ISS for Profit; J.K. von der Lippe. From Space Station to Space Tourism: The Role of ISS in Public Access to Space; E. Dahlstrom, E. Paat-Dahlstrom. International Space Station Commercialization: Can Canada Blaze the Trail Forward? A. Eddy, A. Poirier. Transitioning to Commercial Exploitation of Space; D. Hamill, M. Kearney. International Space Station Commercialization Study; J.J. Richardson. Report on Panel Discussion 2. Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Use the ISS for Profit; I. Gracnar, A. Lindskold. Session 3: ISS for Education and Public Awareness. Session Chair: N. Ochanda. Searching for New Opportunities from the International Space Station, and UsingThem in Eastern Africa; N. Ochanda. International Space Station: New Uses in a Marketplace of Ideas; J.D. Burke. ISS The First International Space Classroom: International Cooperation in Hands-on-Space Education; V.A. Cassanto, D.C. Lobao. Art Module `MICHELANGELO': A Possibility for Non-Scientific ISS Utilization; C. Wilp, B. Bratke. Space Education and Space-Based Education: The Russian Experience; O. Zhdanovich, D. Pieson. Report on Panel Discussion 3. Education and Public Awareness; L. Higgs, C.P. Karunaharan. Session 4: Innovative Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues. Session Chair: A. Farand. Legal Environment for Exploitation of the International Space Station (ISS); A. Farand. Promotion of Industrial ISS Utilization by the German Space Agency; F. Claasen, et al. Commercial Management for the Space Station: Making the ISS More Accessible to All; G. Inoue, J. Maroothynaden. A United Nations Module on ISS: A Study; V. Lappas. Report on Panel Discussion 4. Innovative Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues; O. Tomofumi, R. Mittal. Session 5: Technical and Management Innovations for ISS. Session Chair: M. Uhran. Commercial Development of the International Space Station; M.L. Uhran. Enabling Better Science: A Commercial Communications Payload for the International Space Station; D. Beering. Commercialization of Management Know-How Generated by the ISS Program; M. Bosch. An Initial Strategy for Commercial Industry Awareness of the International Space Station; C. Jorgensen. Market Potentital for the International Space Station (ISS) Service Sector; R. Nakagawa, R. Askew. ISS: Overview of Where Station is at and a Concept for Commercial Utilization; J. Worley. Re