PREFACEChapter 1: Introduction and ReviewChapter 2: Basic Electrical ComponentsChapter 3: AC ElectricityChapter 4: ElectronicsChapter 5: PressureChapter 6: LevelChapter 7: FlowChapter 8: Temperature and HeatChapter 9: Humidity, Density, Viscosity, and pHChapter 10: Other SensorsChapter 11: Actuators and ControlChapter 12: Signal ConditioningChapter 13: Signal TransmissionChapter 14: Process ControlChapter 15: Documentation and SymbolsAPPENDIX A: ANSWERS TO ODD NUMBERED PROBLEMSAPPENDIX B: THERMOCOUPLE TABLESAPPENDIX C: REFERENCES AND INFORMATION RESOURCESAPPENDIX D: ABBREVIATIONSGLOSSARYANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED QUESTIONSINDEX
Covers instruments and parameters, electrical components(both analog and digital) various types of actuators and regulators, plumbing and instrumentation diagrams, and operation of process controllers.