Synthese Library, Monographs on Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, Philosophy of Science, Sociology of Science and of Knowledge, and on the Mathematical Methods of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 25.
The Logic of Scientific Knowledge --;Levels of Knowledge and Stages in the Process of Knowledge --;I. Differences Between the Problems, 'Sensation-Thought' and 'Empirical-Theoretical' --;II. Basis of the Division of the Sentences of the Language of Science into Levels --;III. The Semantic System: Admissible Objects of Thought and Modes of Expression --;IV. Empirical and Theoretical Objects of Science --;V. Sentences Which Express Facts and Sentences Which Formulate Laws --;VI. Stages in the Process of Knowledge --;VII. Types of Explanation of Empirical Connections --;VIII. Stages in the Process of Knowledge, II --;Problems of the Logical-Methodological Analysis of Relations Between the Theoretical and Empirical Planes of Scientific Knowledge --;I. The Traditional Inductivist Approach to the Problem of the Relations Between Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge and its Limitations --;II. Critique of the Neopositivist Approach to the Analysis of the Relations Between the Theoretical and Empirical Levels of Scientific Knowledge --;III. Contemporary Logic of Science on the Relations Between Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge: The Connection of the Theoretical and Empirical Levels of Knowledge in the Structure of Hypothetical-Deductive Theory --;IV. Contemporary Logic of Science on the Relations Between Empirical and Theoretical Knowledge: The Problem of the Establishment of Logical Correspondence Between Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge --;Logical and Physical Implication --;The Deductive Method as a Problem of the Logic of Science --;I. Introduction --;II. Deduction and Deductive Inference --;III. Deductive System and Deductive Theory --;IV. Types of Deductive Systems --;V. Problems of the Logical-Epistemological Analysis of the Deductive Sphere of Knowledge --;Probability Logic and its Role in Scientific Research --;I. Introduction --;II. Systems of Probability Logic --;III. Probability Logic and Statistical Inference --;IV. Probability Logic and the Problem of the Selection of Hypotheses --;V. Probability Logic and the Problem of Confirmation of Hypotheses --;The Basic Forms and Rules of Inference by Analogy --;I. The General Schema of Inferences by Analogy --;II. Traditional Analogy --;III. Causal and Substantial Analogy --;IV. Analogy of Consequence --;IV. Analogy of Correlation --;VI. Functional-Structural and Structural-Functional Analogy --;On the Types of Definition and Their Importance for Science --;I. Preliminary Remarks --;II. Types of Definition --;III. The Problem of Definitions in Formal Systems --;IV. On the Importance of Definitions in Science --;Idealization as a Method of Scientific Knowledge --;I. The Abstraction of Identity --;II. Idealization --;III. Some Methodological Considerations --;The Statistical Interpretation of Fact and the Role of Statistical Methods in the Structure of Empirical Knowledge --;I. The Nature of Empirical Knowledge and the Principle of Verification --;II. The Statistical Nature of the Object and the Structure of the Construction of Empirical Knowledge --;Index of Names.