Radioimmunoassays for Insulin, C-Peptide and Proinsulin
by Lise G. Heding.
Springer Netherlands
The discovery of insulin, C-peptide and proinsulin, species differences --;The establishment of a radioimmunoassay --;The first systematical approach --;Requirements for antibodies used in RIA --;Characterization of the standard substance and the substances to be measured --;The tracer, characterization and limitations --;Quality and reproducibility of RIA --;Background for development of improved and new RIAs for insulin, C-peptide and proinsulin --;Insulin --;C-peptides --;Proinsulins --;Discussion of the methods --;Insulin --;C-peptides --;Proinsulins --;The present state and expected future development of methods for the determination of?-cell secretory products --;Summary and conclusion --;Danish summary and conclusion --;References --;Original papers --;Determination of total serum insulin (IRI) in insulin-treated diabetic patients --;Radioimmunoassays for human, pork and ox C-peptides and related substances --;Radioimmunological determination of human C-peptide in serum --;Specific and direct radioimmunoassay for human proinsulin in serum --;Insulin, C-peptide, and proinsulin in nondiabetics and insulin-treated diabetics.
THE DISCOVERY OF INSULIN, C-PEPTIDE AND PROINSULlN, SPECIES DIFFERENCES Crude insulin was extracted and isolated from dog pancreases removed 7-1 Degrees weeks after ligation of the pancreatic duct for the first time in 1921 by Banting and Best.