History of Cranial Nerves Surgery. Introductory Lecture --;Topographical Anatomy of the Cranial Nerves --;Cranial Nerve Injury. Structural and Pathophysiological Considerations and a Classification of Nerve Injury --;Experimental Studies on Neural Regeneration --;Olfactory Nerve (First Cranial Nerve) --;Optic Nerve (Second Cranial Nerve) --;Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens Nerves --;Trigeminal Nerve (Fifth Cranial Nerve) --;Facial and Vestibulo-Chochlear Nerves (Seventh and Eighth Cranial Nerves) --;Clinical Aspects of Facial Nerve --;Cochleo-Vestibular Nerve --;Caudal Cranial Nerves.
No special field of surgery dealing with the cranial nerves exists today. For practical reasons at operation, further subdivisions of the intracranial course of cranial nerves are to be distinguished in the anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae as well as within the petrous bone.