Functional and Anatomic Aspects of Central Nervous Cardiovascular Regulation --;Autonomic Nervous System and Blood Pressure Control in Normotensive and Hypertensive Conditions --;Reflex Control of Circulation in Normotensive and Hypertensive Humans --;Corticotropin-Releasing Factor: Central Nervous System Effects on the Sympathetic Nervous System and Cardiovascular Regulation --;Neuropeptides and Central Blood Pressure Regulation --;Centrally Acting Drugs as a Tool to Study Central Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Control --;The Blood-Brain Barrier and its Role in the Control of Circulating Hormone Effects on the Brain.
The brain, therefore, which is protected by the blood-brain barrier from disturbing and potentially noxious exogenous and endogenous agents circulating in the blood, has to have certain neurohemal regions beyond this barrier, such as the neural lobe and the median eminence (infundibulum), where neurohor- mones have free access to the blood stream.