Section I. Basic Bacteriology of H. pylori --;1. In vivo models of gastric Helicobacter infections --;2 H. pylori species heterogenicity --;3 H. pylori urease --;4 Basic bacteriology of H. pylori: H. pylori colonization factors --;Section II. Prevalence and Mechanisms of Spread of H. pylori --;5 Epidemiology of H. pylori in Western countries --;6 H. pylori in developing countries --;7 Prevalence/disease correlates of H. pylori --;8 Reinfection with H. pylori --;Section III. Mechanisms of H. pylori Induced Damage --;9 Breakdown of the mucus layer by H. pylori --;10 Decreased hydrophobicity of gastroduodenal mucosa due to H. pylori infection in man --;11 Adherence and internalization of H. pylori by epithelial cells --;12 Mechanisms of ammonia-induced gastric mucosal injury: role of glutathione and cysteine proteases --;13 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-related damage by H. pylori --;14 The cpn60 heat shock protein homologue of H. pylori --;15 Gastric mucosal injury: interactions of mast cells, cytokines and nitric oxide --;16 H. pylori supernatant contains a novel chemotactic factor for monocytes different from FMLP --;17 H. pylori-induced neutrophil activation and production of toxic oxygen radicals --;18 Polymorphonuclear leukocytes traffic into the gastric mucosa and through the gastric mucosal barrier in H. pylori infection: is that bad? --;19 H. pylori vacuolating toxin --;20 H. pylori alcohol dehydrogenase --;Section IV. Hormonal Disturbances in H. pylori Infection --;21 Effect of H. pylori infection on gastrin and gastric acid secretion --;22 H. pylori, gastrin and somatostatin --;23 Parietal cell responsiveness in H. pylori infections --;24 Role of bacterial amines in H. pylori-associated hypergastrinaemia --;25 Do gastric mucosal nerves remodel in H. pylori gastritis? --;Section V. Immunological Response to H. pylori --;26 Overview of the immune response to H. pylori --;27 Specific H. pylori immune response --;28 B cell responses in H. pylori infection --;29 T cell subsets in H. pylori-associated gastritis --;30 Down-regulation of the immune response to H. pylori --;31 The clinical value of a saliva diagnostic assay for antibody to H. pylori --;Section VI. Gastroduodenal Inflammation in H. pylori Infection --;32 Spectrum and implications of inflammation with H. pylori --;33 'Hypertrophic' gastritis in H. pylori infection --;34 Long-term consequences of H. pylori infection: time trends in H. pylori gastritis, gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease --;35 Determinants of gastritis phenotype in H. pylori infection --;36 The ulcer-associated cell lineage (UACL): a newly-recognised pathway of gastrointestinal differentiation of importance in the natural healing of peptic ulcer disease --;Section VII. Determinants of Clinical Outcome of H. pylori Infection --;37 Acute infection with H. pylori --;38 H. pylori in asymptomatic people --;39 Determinants of clinical outcome of H. pylori infection: duodenal ulcer --;40 H. pylori and gastric ulcer disease --;41 Functional dyspepsia and H. pylori: a controversial link --;42 H. pylori and NSAIDs: a meta-analysis on interactions of acute gastroduodenal injury, gastric and duodenal ulcers and upper gastrointestinal symptoms --;Section VIII. Relationship of H. pylori Gastric Carcinogenesis and Lymphoma --;43 H. pylori and gastric cancer: the significance of the problem --;44 The ascorbic acid story --;45 Role of bacterial overgrowth in gastric carcinogenesis --;46 The role of PCR techniques in the epidemiology of H. pylori infections --;47 Role of H. pylori in atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia --;48 H. pylori-associated gastric lymphoma --;49 Animal models for Helicobacter-induced gastric and hepatic cancer --;50 Flaws in H. pylori-related carcinogenesis hypothesis --;Section IX. Therapy of H. pylori Infection --;51 Determinants of antimicrobial effectiveness in H. pylori gastritis --;52 Mucosal antibiotic levels --;53 H. pylori eradication --;54 H. pylori resistance to antibiotics --;55 The role of acid suppression in the treatment of H. pylori infection --;56 Prospects for vaccination against H. pylori infection.
Helicobacter pylori has attracted widening interest from basic scientists and clinical investigators and the information on this organism is increasing exponentially.