Section I Common Diseases --;1 Introduction --;2 What are the common diseases? --;3 Who gets them, when, and what happens? --;4 What goes on in practice? --;Section II Respiratory diseases --;5 Respiratory diseases --;the clinical spectrum --;6 Acute upper respiratory infections and influenza --;7 Catarrhal children --;8 Acute otitis media --;9 Acute throat infections --;10 Glandular fever --;11 Acute chest infections (bronchitis and pneumonia) --;12 Chronic bronchitis --;13 Asthma --;14 Hay fever --;15 Cancer of the lung --;Section III Cardiovascular diseases --;16 Cardiovascular diseases --;the clinical spectrum --;17 Ischaemic heart disease --;18 High blood pressure --;19 Cardiac failure --;20 Varicose veins --;21 Anaemias --;Section IV Gastro-intestinal diseases --;22 Gastro-intestinal diseases --;the clinical spectrum --;23 Acute gastroenteritis --;24 Functional disorders --;25 Peptic ulcers --;26 The 'acute abdomen' --;27 Gall bladder, liver and pancreas --;28 Cancers of the gastro-intestinal tract --;Section V Rheumatism --;29 Rheumatism --;the clinical spectrum --;30 The 'acute back' --;31 Rheumatoid arthritis --;32 Osteoarthrosis --;33 Non-articular and other forms of rheumatism --;Section VI Urinary tract diseases --;34 Urinary tract diseases --;the clinical spectrum --;35 Acute urinary infections --;Section VII Obstetrics and gynaecology --;36 Obstetrics and gynaecology --;the clinical spectrum --;37 Gynaecological disorders --;Section VIII Psychiatry --;38 Psychiatry --;the clinical spectrum --;39 Emotional disorders in general --;depression in particular --;Section IX Diseases of CNS and sense organs --;40 Diseases of CNS and sense organs --;the clinical spectrum --;41 Migraine --;42 Epilepsy and convulsions --;43 Strokes --;Section X Skin disorders --;44 Skin disorders --;the clinical spectrum --;Section XI Endocrine and metabolic disorders --;45 Endocrine and metabolic disorders --;the clinical spectrum --;46 Diabetes --;47 Thyroid disorders --;Section XII Common infections --;48 Common infections --;the clinical spectrum --;Section XIII Cancers --;49 Cancers --;the clinical spectrum --;50 Cancer --;Section XIV Accidents --;51 Accidents --;the clinical spectrum --;Section XV The age dimension --;52 Age --;the clinical spectrum --;Section XVI Database --;53 NHS Data --;References --;Further reading.
With larger group practices have come formalized teams and teamwork, increasing con- cern with the business side of general practice and attempts to achieve best values for money and maximal profits.