Originally published: Boston, Mass.: Kluwer, 2001.
High-Level System Synthesis. Digital Hardware/Software Systems. Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Hardware/Software Systems; J. Teich. System Level Design Using the SystemC Modeling Platform; J. Gerlach, W. Rosenstiel. Requirements for Static Task Scheduling in Real Time Embedded Systems; Ch. Wong, et al. Relocalization of Data Dependences in Partitioned Affine Indexed Algorithms; U. Eckhardt, et al. High-level Condition Expression Transformations for Design Exploration; M. Palkovic, et al. Component-based System Design in Microkernel-based Systems; L. Reuther, et al. Application Cases. Hardware/Software-Architecture and High Level Design Approach for Protocol Processing Acceleration; M. Benz, et al. A Fast and Retargetable Simulator for Application Specific Processor Architectures; F. Engel, et al. Hardware Supported Sorting: Design and Tradeoff Analysis; M. Bednara, et al. Heterogeneous System Design. System Approach and Methodology. Computer Aided Design for Microelectromechanical Systems; J. Mehner, et al. An FEM Based Network Approach for the Simulation of Miniaturized Electromagnetic Devices; R. Gollee, G. Gerlach. High Performance Control System Processor; R.A. Cumplido-Parra, et al. High Level Structural Synthesis of Analog Subsystems - The Information to Electrical Domain Mapping; J. Kampe. Statistical Analysis of Analogue Structures; A. Graupner, et al. A New Hierarchical Simulator for Highly Parallel Analog Processor Arrays; S. Henker, et al. System Simulation and Evaluation. Methods and Tools. Object Oriented System Simulation of Large Heterogeneous Communication Systems; U. Hatnik, et al. Object-oriented Modelling of Physical Systems with Modelica using Design Patterns; C.Clauss, et al. Simulation of Numerically Sensitive Systems by Means of Automatic Differentiation; K. Roebenack, K.J. Reinschke. DAE-Index Increase in Analogue Fault Simulation; B. Straube, et al. Parameter Optimization of Complex Simulation Models; E. Syrjakow, M. Syrjakow. Quantitative Measures for Systematic Optimization, Validation, and Imperfection Compensation in the Holistic Modeling and Parsimonious Design of Application Specific Vision and Cognition Systems; A. Koenig, et al. Index.