Papers originally presented at the World Summit on the Information Society, November 2005.
The right to express oneself and to seek information / Rikke Frank Jørgensen --;The right to information in the age of information / David Banisar --;Access to information and knowledge / Kay Raseroka --;Intellectual property rights and the information commons / Robin Gross --;Privacy as freedom / Gus Hosein --;The right of assembly and freedom of association in the information age / Charley Lewis --;The right to political participation and the information society / Hans Klein --;The "guarantee rights" for realizing the rule of law / Meryem Marzouki --;A nondiscriminatory information society / Mandana Zarrehparvar --;Women's human rights in the information society / Heike Jensen --;Ensuring minority rights in a pluralistic and "liquid" information society / Birgitte Kofod Olsen --;The right to development in the information society / Ran Greenstein, Anriette Esterhuysen.
Does the information society help to advance human rights or does it threaten them? Interdisciplinary perspectives on information technology as a global policy issue.
Droits de l'homme (Droit international) -- Congrès.