6-Hydroxydopamine and related catecholaminergic neurotoxins : molecular mechanisms / C. LeRoy Blank, Russell J. Lewis, Roland E. Lehr --;Use of neurotoxins to lesion catecholamine-containing neurons to model clinical disorders : approach for defining adaptive neural mechanisms and role of neurotrophic factors in brain / Charles R. Breese, George R. Breese --;6-hydroxydopamine as a tool for studying catecholamines in adult animals : lessons from the neostriatum / Michael J. Zigmond, Kristen A. Keefe --;6-hydroxydopa, a catecholamine neurotoxin and endogenous excitotoxin at non-NMDA receptors / Richard M. Kostrzewa --;2-chloroethylamines (DSP4 and xylamine) : toxic actions on noradrenergic neurons / Guillermo Jaim-Etcheverry --;MPTP : a dopaminergic neurotoxin / Joyce E. Royland, J. William Langston --;Haloperidol-derived pyridinium metabolites : structural and toxicological relationships to MPP-like neurotoxins / Cornelis J. Van der Schyf, Etsuko Usuki, Susan M. Pond, Neal Castagnoli, Jr . --;Neurotoxic effects of continuous cocaine and amphetamine in habenula / Gaylord Ellison --;Evidence for and mechanisms of action of neurotoxicity of amphetamine related compounds / R. Lew, J.E. Malberg, George A. Ricuarte, Lewis S. Seiden --;Molecular mechanisms of action of 5,6- and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine / Tahereh Tabatabaie, Glenn Dryhurst --;Use of 5,6- and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine to lesion serotonin neurons / Michael R. Pranzatelli --;Selective cholinergic neurotoxins : AF64A and 192-IgG-saporin / Thomas J. Walsh, Pamela E. Potter --;Glutamatergic receptor agonists and brain pathology / Ewa M. Urbanska, Andrzej Dekundy, Zdzislaw Kleinrok, Waldemar A. Turski, Stansilaw J. Czuczwar --;Neurotoxicity of NMDA receptor antagonists / Sunita Rajdev, Frank R. Sharp --;Toxic vanilloids / Arpad Szallasi.
Several clinically oriented chapters are significant for neurologists treating Parkinsonism, for psychiatrists treating drug abuse and neurodegenerative disorders, and for primary care physicians treating patients with appetite suppressants.