Fault-tolerant computing systems tests, diagnosis, fault treatment ; 5th International GI/ITG/GMA Conference, Nürnberg, September 25-27, 1991
M. Dal Cin ... (Hrsg.)
Berlin Springer
XII, 424 Seiten Diagramme
Keynote Address.- Responsive Systems: A Marriage Between Real Time and Fault Tolerance.- Reconfiguration and Recovery.- Self-Diagnosis, Reconfiguration and Recovery in the Dynamical Reconfigurable Multiprocessor System DAMP.- Efficient Recovery of Statically Redundant Systems.- Implementations and Extensions of the Conversation Concept.- System Level Diagnosis.- Concurrent Error Detection Using Watchdog Processors in the Multiprocessor System MEMSY.- SEEDS: Simulation Environment for Dynamic Evaluation of Diagnostic Strategies.- An Expert System Shell for the Diagnosis of Parallel Computers.- Voting and Agreement.- Adaptive Fault Tolerance in Multi-Computer Systems Using Data Compaction and Two-Level Voting.- The Electoral District Strategy for Replicated Data in Distributed Systems.- Adaptive Byzantine Agreement in O(t) Phases.- Testing.- Scan Technology at Work.- Emulation of Scan Paths in Sequential Circuit Synthesis.- Testing of Fault-Tolerant Hardware.- Fault-Tolerant Circuits.- Coding Redundancy for Combinational Switching Circuits.- Optimal Error Detection Circuits for Sequential Circuits with Observable States.- Efficient Encoding/Decoding Circuitry for Systematic Unidirectional Error-Detecting Codes.- Array Testing.- Acceleration of RAM-Tests with Associative Pattern Recognition Methods.- Truth Table Verification for One-Dimensional CMOS ILA's.- Modelling.- On Modeling and Analysis of Latency Problem in Fault-Tolerant Systems.- Fixed Point Iteration in Availability Modeling.- Resource Allocation for Distributed Systems with Fault Tolerant Nodes.- Performability Evaluation of a Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Architecture Using Stochastic Petri Nets.- Applied Fault Tolerance.- Special Features of a Computer-Based German Reactor Protection System.- Fault-Tolerant Process Interface with Programmable Controllers.- A Simulation-Based Study of a Triple Modular Redundant System Using DEPEND.- Fault-Tolerant Arrays and Systems.- A Reconfigurable Instruction Systolic Array.- A New Approach for Designing Fault-Tolerant Array Processors.- A Performable BSM Architecture.- Interconnection Networks.- The Interlocking Bus Network for Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays.- A Fault Tolerant Interconnection Network for Memory-Coupled Multiprocessor Systems.- Star Type Networks with Fault Tolerance.- Fault-Tolerant Software.- A Classification of Software Diversity Degrees Induced by an Analysis of Fault Types to Be Tolerated.- Optimal Design of Checks for Error Detection and Location in Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems.- Testing Fault-Tolerant Protocols by Heuristic Fault Injection.- Appendix: Industrial Presentation.- A Practical Approach for a Fault-Tolerant Massively Parallel Computer.- List of Authors.
Tests, diagnosis and fault treatment
M. Dal Cin ... (Hrsg.)
Gesellschaft für Informatik
Informationstechnische Gesellschaft
Mario Dal Cin
VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik