Figures --;Preface --;Symbols --;Abbreviations --;Introduction --;PART I: THE MAINSTREAM INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORY --;The Evolution of International Trade Theory --;The Heckscher-Ohlin Theory --;Critique --;PART II: THE SYSTEMIC THEORY OF VALUE --;Diachronic vs. Synchronic Labour Input: The Two-Century Old Misunderstanding --;The Employment Effect --;The Replacement Effect --;The Interplay of Employment and Replacement Effects --;The Traverse --;PART III: THE BASIC THREE-INDUSTRY MODEL --;Stationary Economy --;The Wage-Rental Curve --;PART IV: AN ALTERNATIVE THEORY --;Three Models --;Intraindustry Trade --;Four Hypotheses --;PART V: THE GAINS FROM TRADE --;The Pattern of Specialization --;The Gains from Trade --;Unequal Exchange --;PART VI: TARIFFS --;Tariffs and Subsidies --;Customs Union --;References --;Index.
In a previous book The Theory of Value, Capital and Interest , the systemic theory of value was developed for a closed economy. Now the economy is opened and the same theory is applied to international trade. Both books are intended to provide an alternative theoretical paradigm.