High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004 :
Transactions of the Second Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Status and Result Workshop, March 2-3, 2004, Technical University of Munich, and Leibniz-Rechenzentrum Munich, Germany
edited by Siegfried Wagner, Werner Hanke, Arndt Bode, Franz Durst.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
(volumes) : volumes
Performance and Tools --;Performance of Scientific Applications on Modern Supercomputers --;A Lightweight Dynamic Application Monitor for SMP Clusters --;gridlib --;A Parallel, Object-oriented Framework for Hierarchical-hybrid Grid Structures in Technical Simulation and Scientific Visualization --;Computational Fluid Dynamics --;Preface --;Fully Three-Dimensional Coupling of Fluid and Thin-Walled Structures --;Efficiency of Lattice Boltzmann Codes as Moderate Reynolds Number Turbulence Solvers --;Testing of Closure Assumption for Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow with the Aid of a Lattice Boltzmann Simulation --;High-Performance Computing in Turbulence Research: Separated Flow Past an Airfoil at High Angle of Attack --;DNS of Passive Scalar Transport in Turbulent Supersonic Channel Flow --;A Coupled DNS/Monte-Carlo Solver for Dilute Suspensions of Brownian Fibres in Turbulent Channel Flow --;Large-Eddy-Simulation of an Airfoil at Re = 20000 Using Cartesian Grids --;Interactive CFD Simulation by Coupling Supercomputers with Virtual Reality --;Boundary Layer Separation Influenced by Free-Stream Disturbances --;parpp3d++ --;A Parallel HPC Code for the Incompressible Nonstationary Navier-Stokes Equations --;Flow Induced Noise Computation on Hitachi SR8000-F1 --;Chemistry and Biosciences --;Preface --;Theoretical Studies of Vanadium Complexes: Reactivities and 51V NMR Chemical Shifts in Solution --;Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hydrous Silicate Systems --;Theoretical Studies of Ultrafast Electron Transfer Reactions in Condensed Phases --;Multi Dimensional Quantum Dynamics --;QM/MM Simulation of the First Step of Vision --;Computer Simulations of Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms: Simulation of Protein Spectra --;Computer Simulations of Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms: Application of a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Superimposition of Three-Dimensional Chemical Structures --;A Fast Program for Phylogenetic Tree Inference with Maximum Likelihood --;Solid-State Physics --;Preface --;Phasediagram and Scaling Properties of the Projected SO(5) Model in Three Dimensions --;Electron-Spin Interaction in High-Tc Superconductors --;DCA for the 2D Hubbard Model at T? 0 --;Density-functional Calculation of Structural Properties in Ionic and Semiconductor Crystals --;Planar Helium under Electromagnetic Driving --;DMRG Investigation of Stripe Formation in Doped Hubbard Ladders --;DNA Base Properties from First Principles Plane-Wave Calculations --;Monte Carlo Studies of Connectivity Disorder --;Structure, Energetics and Properties of Fe3O4(001) from First Principles --;Fundamental Physics and Astrophysics --;Preface --;Optimizing the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm on the Hitachi SR8000 --;Towards a Converged 4He Scattering Calculation --;Heavy Quark Physics on Large Lattices --;Quantum Chromodynamics with Chiral Quarks --;Ultra-relativistic Plasma Shell Collisions in Pulsar Magnetospheres and?-ray Bursts --;Simulation of Solar Magneto-Convection --;Geophysics --;Preface --;Computational Elastic Wave Propagation: Advances in Global and Regional Seismology.
Leading-edge research groups in the field of scientific computing present their outstanding projects using the High Performance Computer in Bavaria (HLRB), Hitachi SR8000-F1, one of the top-level supercomputers for academic research in Germany.
Computer science -- Mathematics.
Electronic data processing.
edited by Siegfried Wagner, Werner Hanke, Arndt Bode, Franz Durst.