1. Kem chho? = How are you? ; GitaÌ#x84;ne gher ramesh = Ramesh at Gita's home --;2. Post Ophise = At the post office ; Phalni dukaÌ#x84;nmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; = At a fruit shop --;3. SaÌ#x84;the kharidi karvaÌ#x84; = Planning a shopping trip ; GujraÌ#x84;ti shaÌ#x84;kaÌ#x84;haÌ#x84;ri restorantmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; jaman = Eating out in a Gujarati vegetarian restaurant --;4. TeliphonmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; vaÌ#x84;tchit = Telephone conversation ; KapdaÌ#x83;Ì#x84;ni dukaÌ#x84;ne = At a clothes shop --;5. Steshan taraph = Towards the station ; Steshan par = At the station --;6. HotelmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; = At the hotel ; jovaÌ#x84; laÌ#x84;yak jagyaÌ#x84;o = Places worth visiting --;7. JunaÌ#x84; mitroni mulaÌ#x84;kaÌ#x84;te = Meeting old friends ; JagyaÌ#x84;ni shodhmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; = Looking for accommodation --;8. NishaÌ#x84;lmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; = At school ; MaÌ#x83;Ì#x84;dagi = Sickness --;9. GujaraÌ#x84;ti philmo = Gujarati films ; Shokh = Hobbies --;10. HavaÌ#x84;i mathaknuÌ#x83; udghaÌ#x84;tan = Opening of the airport ; MaÌ#x84;trubhaÌ#x84;shaÌ#x84;no mahimaÌ#x84; = Importance of the mother tongue --;11. Thietar taraph = Towards the theatre ; Natak joyaÌ#x84; pachi = After the play --;12. Pres par = At the newspaper office ; Boliwud = Bollywood --;13. GaÌ#x84;ndhijini sansthaÌ#x84;omaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; = At Gandhiji's institutions ; SavaÌ#x84;rmaÌ#x83;Ì#x84; pharvaÌ#x84; = Morning walk --;14. Patralekhan = Letter writing --;15. BhaÌ#x84;shaÌ#x84;ntar = Translation.
Gujarati language -- Self-instruction.
Gujarati language -- Spoken Gujarati.
Gujarati language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English.