Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems :
Volume 1: Increasing the confidence in information systems
edited by Sushil Jajodia, William List, Graeme McGregor, Leon Strous.
Boston, MA
Springer US
(viii, 370 pages)
IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing.
One: IFIP TC-11 Working Group 11. 5: First Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Increasing the confidence in information systems --;1 Establishing an information security strategy --;2 Towards continuously auditable systems --;3 Maintaining temporal integrity of World Wide Web pages --;4 Dynamic integrity constraints definition and enforcement in databases: a classification framework --;5 An extensible framework for repairing constraint violations --;6 Query answering in information systems with integrity constraints --;7 Optimistic concurrency control for maintaining the global integrity constraint in MDBSs --;8 The integrity of electronic evidence --;9 Integrity: definition, subdivision, challenge --;10 Managing with less than absolute integrity --;11 Integrity: do you know where your objects are? --;12 A model for specifying individual integrity constraints on objects --;13 View constraints: an interpretation of integrity constraints for security --;14 Control of information and communication technology: an integrity problem. Views, perspectives, education and evaluation --;15 Changing definitions of internal control and information systems integrity --;16 Information integrity in end-user systems --;Two Basic papers for the current activities of IFIP TC-11 Working Group 11.5 --;17 Integrity in information systems --;18 Detecting data integrity failures --;19 The effects of time on integrity in information systems --;Three General Information --;Index of contributors --;Keyword index.
Dear readers, Although it is well-known that confidentiality, integrity and availability are high- level objectives of information security, much of the attention in the security arena has been devoted to the confidentiality and availability aspects of security.
Data structures (Computer science)
Information storage and retrieval systems.
edited by Sushil Jajodia, William List, Graeme McGregor, Leon Strous.