This edition prepared in 2013--Title page verso.;"Made in the USA ; Charleston, SC ; 29 April 2015"--Last page.
Le Bon's description of the group mind --;Other accounts of collective mental life --;Suggestion and libido --;Two artificial groups: the church and the army --;Further problems and lines of work --;Identification --;Being in love and hypnosis --;The herd instinct --;The group and the primal horde --;A differentiating grad in the ego.
The relations of an individual to his parents and to his brothers and sisters, to the object of his love, and to his physician - in fact all the relations which have hitherto been the chief subject of psycho-analytic research - may claim to be considered as social phenomena ; and in this respect they may be contrasted with certain other processes, described by us as 'narcissistic', in which the satisfaction of the instincts is partially or totally withdrawn from the influence of other people. The contrast between social and narcissistic - Bleuler whould perhaps call them 'autistic' - mental acts therefore falls wholly within the domain of Individual Psychology, and is not well calculated to differentiate it from a Social or Group Psychology.