1. Logics of Lifelong Learning --;Events and Lifelong Learning --;Choice and Lifelong Learning --;Time and Lifelong Learning --;2. Creativity --;What is creativity? --;Types of creativity --;The Professionalization of Creativity --;3. Making a difference --;The Creative Differential --;Functional creativity --;Operative creativity --;Thresholds and surfaces of creativity --;Summary --;4. Creation at work --;Cinema as non-representational practice --;Spiritual Automata --;Creativity according to Michelangelo Antonioni --;Antonioni --;the films --;Antonioni --;the practices --;5. An Ethics of creativity for Lifelong Learning --;The moral status of creativity --;Debt --;Criticality --;Rules --;Duty --;6. Professionalism and practice --;Learning --;Prescription --;Subjectivity --;Capacity --;Implications --;7. Improvising in research --;Rhizomatics --;Mess --;Voice --;8. Taking Chances in pedagogy --;Problems --;Inquiry --;Experimental encounters --;9. Errors and learning --;Truth's becoming --;Questions of becoming --;Becoming Nomadic --;10. Lifelong Learning between practice and ethics --;Becoming (really) healthy --;Becoming (creatively) worthy --;Becoming a (cinematic) body --;11. Conclusion: Counter-actualization.
This book examines Gilles Deleuze's ideas about creativity in the context of lifelong learning, offering an original take on this important contemporary topic using cinematic parallels. Discussing Deleuze's difficult notion of 'counter-actualization' as a form of creative practice, it draws practical consequences for those across a diverse sector.