I. Foundations --;1. History, Phenomenology, and Epidemiology of Dissociation --;2. European Studies of Dissociation --;3. Dissociation in Normal Populations --;II. Developmental Perspectives --;4. Dissociation in Typical and Atypical Development: Examples from Father--Daughter Incest Survivors --;5. Child Abuse in the Etiology of Dissociative Disorders --;6. Disorganization and Disorientation in Infant Strange Situation Behavior: Phenotypic Resemblance to Dissociative States --;7. Dissociative Disorders in Children and Adolescents --;III. Theoretical Models --;8. Recent Developments in the Neurobiology of Dissociation: Implications for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder --;9. Hypnosis and Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives --;10. Emotional Dissociation in Response to Trauma: An Information-Processing Approach --;IV. Assessment --;11. Diagnostic Issues, Criteria, and Comorbidity of Dissociative Disorders --;12. The Psychological Assessment of Dissociation --;13. Psychophysiological Assessment of Dissociative Disorders --;V. Diagnostic Classifications --;14. Depersonalization and Derealization --;15. Dissociative Amnesia and Dissociative Fugue --;16. Dissociative Identity Disorder --;17. Dissociative Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder --;18. Posttraumatic Responses to Childhood Abuse and Implications for Treatment --;VI. Therapeutic Interventions --;19. A Cognitively Based Treatment Model for DSM-IV Dissociative Identity Disorder --;20. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Dissociative Identity Disorder --;21. Overt--Covert Dissociation and Hypnotic Ego State Therapy --;22. Hypnotherapeutic Techniques to Facilitate Psychotherapy with PTSD and Dissociative Clients --;23. Memory Processing and the Healing Experience --;24. Inpatient Treatment of Dissociative Disorders --;25. Art and the Dissociative Paracosm: Uncommon Realities --;26. Psychopharmacology --;VII. Special Topics --;27. Clinical Aspects of Sadistic Ritual Abuse --;28. Legal and Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Dissociative Disorders.
Within the last decade there has been a tremendous explosion in the clinical, theoretical, and empirical literature related to the study of dissociation. Current interest in dissociation as reflected in the appearance of major articles and special issues in respected psychology and psychiatry journals.