A Brief Summary of Four Keynote Addresses --;Galileo: Status and Way Forward --;At the Crossroads: Civil and Security Issues Concerning Navigation Satellites in Japan --;The Future of the GPS Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) --;Complement and Augmentation of GPS from a Quasi-Zenith Orbit --;A GNSS Literature Review and a Navigation System for Future Space Vehicles --;Galileo System Architecture --;Status and Concepts --;Europe's Challenges in Developing its Own Satellite Navigation System --;Cislunar Navigation --;Compatibility and Interoperability of GPS and Galileo: A Continuum of Time, Geodesy, and Signal Structure Options for Civil GNSS Services --;Galileo --;The Essentials of Interoperability --;Inmarsat: An Approach for Integration of EGNOS and Galileo --;A Software Perspective on GNSS Receiver Integration and Operation --;GNSS Safety of Life Services: Towards a Safer and More Effective Use of European Transport Networks --;Testing the Dubai Virtual Reference System (DVRS) National GPS-RTK Network --;Network-based RTK-GPS for Nationwide High-accuracy Positioning and Navigation in Japan --;Measuring Galileo's Channel --;The Pedestrian Satellite Channel --;A Challenging Navigation Environment --;Indoor Applications --;Evaluation of EGNOS (GNSS-1) for Application in a Vehicle Driving Support System --;The Use of Global Navigation Systems in the Aviation Industry --;The Advent of Galileo in the European Air Navigation System --;The Need for, and Benefits of, Galileo Local Services --;ISAGNSS: Infrastructure for Spanish GNSS Activities --;Session 6 Discussion Groups --;A Combined Localisation/Communications System for Mountain Rescue Applications --;Automatic Guidance of Farm Vehicles --;Algorithms of a Complex Inertial and Satellite Navigation System for Aircraft --;GPS-based Clock Synchronization for Precision Time Management for LEO Remote Sensing Satellites --;Space Radiation Environment and its Effects on Satellite Navigation Systems --;Navigation Support through Intelligent Agents --;A Novel Signal Processing Scheme for a Next Generation GNSS Receiver --;Damage Caused by GNSS Signals in the Light of the Liability Convention of 1972 --;Galileo System Test Bed Validation Algorithms --;Potential Criteria for the Assessment of a Future Public-Private Partnership for Galileo --;Qualification of EGNOS for Routine Operation --;Solutions to Increasing the Availability of GPS and Future Upgrades of the Satellite Navigation System --;Symposium Summary.
It considers the very timely topic of space-based systems for global positioning and navigation, ranging from the GPS system developed by the US military to the Russian GLONASS system, and on to the future European Galileo system.