Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Continuation of Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie,, 79.
1 Neuromuscular Blocking Agents: General Considerations --;2 The End-Plate Acetylcholine Receptors: Structure and Function --;A. Introduction --;B. Molecular Properties of the Acetylcholine Receptor --;C. The 43K Protein --;D. Multiple Binding Sites and Multiple Affinity States --;E. Three-Dimensional Structure --;F. Biochemical Control Over Receptor Activity: Phosphorylation, Methylation, and Glycosylation --;G. Summary and Conclusions --;References --;Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents --;3 On the Principles of Postsynaptic Action of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents --;4 On the Hydrophobic Interaction of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents with Acetylcholine Receptors of Skeletal Muscles --;5 Prejunctional Actions of Cholinoceptor Agonists and Antagonists, and of Anticholinesterase Drugs --;6 On the Comparative Sensitivity of Acetylcholine Receptors of Various Groups of Skeletal Muscles to Neuromuscular Blocking Agents --;7 Antimuscarinic and Ganglion-Blocking Activity of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents --;8 The Interaction of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents With Human Cholinesterases and Their Binding to Plasma Proteins --;9 On the Effect of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents on the Central Nervous System --;10 Biodegradation and Elimination of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents --;On the Relationship Between the Chemical Structure and the Neuromuscular Blocking Activity --;11 Methods for the Experimental Evaluation of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents --;12 Steroid Derivatives --;13 The Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids --;14 Quinuclidinium Compounds --;15 Derivatives of Terphenyl. --;16 Delphinium Alkaloids --;Preclinical Pharmacology of New Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs --;17 Bisquaternary Steroid Derivatives --;18 Vecuronium (ORG-NC-45) --;19 The Derivatives of?-Truxillic Acid --;20 Adamantyl Compounds --;21 Tercuronium. --;22 Dioxonium. --;23 Fazadinium Dibromide. --;24 Atracurium --;Clinical Pharmacology of New Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs --;25 General Principles and Methods of Evaluation of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents in Anesthesiology --;26 Neuromuscular Blocking Agents of Different Chemical Structure --;27 Pipecuronium Bromide (Arduan). --;28 Vecuronium (ORG-NC-45). --;29 Fazadinium Dibromide --;30 Atracurium --;Antagonists of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (Pharmacology and Clinical Use) --;31 Galanthamine. --;32 Chinothylinum. --;33 4-Aminopyridine Hydrochloride (Pymadin) --;Subject Index V.V. Maisky.