1 Cdk Inhibitors: Background and Introduction --;2 p27, A Prognostic Indicator Reflecting? ... --;3 Cell Cycle Control of Transcription at the G1/S Phase Transition --;4 Tumor-Suppressor Genes as Diagnostic Tools --;5 Regulation of Cell Cycle and Apoptosis --;6 CDK Inhibitors as Targets of Chemoprevention Agents --;7 Cell Cycle Regulatory Genes as Targets of Retinoids --;8 Modulators of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases: A Novel Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Neoplastic Diseases --;9 Cell Cycle Regulators: Interactions and Their Role in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Cancer --;10 Cell Cycle Regulators as Targets of Anticancer Therapy --;11 Mammalian CDK Inhibitors as Targets of Ubiquitinization in Cancer --;12 Synthetic Oligopeptides as Cancer Cell Cycle Modulators.
Leading clinicians and investigators review in a comprehensible and user-friendly style all the latest information about the molecular biology of cell cycle control and demonstrate its clinical relevance to understanding neoplastic diseases.
Cancer -- Chemotherapy.
Cancer cells -- Growth -- Regulations.
Cell cycle -- Effect of drugs on.
edited by Antonio Giordano and Kenneth J. Soprano.