Reliability, Quality and Safety of Software-Intensive Systems :
IFIP TC5 WG5.4 3rd International Conference on Reliability, Quality and Safety of Software-Intensive Systems (ENCRESS '97), 29th-30th May 1997, Athens, Greece.
Dimitris Gritzalis
Springer US
(275 pages)
Reliability, Quality and Safety of Software-Intensive Systems; Editor's page; Copyright; CONTENTS; ENCRESS '97 Conference Committees; Preface; PART ONE Software Testing; 1 Pythia: A regression test selection tool based on textual differencing; 2 ProveIt: a C program correctness prover; 3 An assessment of the number of paths needed for control flow testing; PART TWO Software Quality; 4 Automating software quality modelling, measurement and assessment; 5 A quality-intensive approach to software development; PART THREE Software Reliability; 6 User-perceptions Of Embedded Software Reliability. 7 Motivated Humans for Reliable Software ProductsPART FOUR Software Reusability; 8 Specification composition for the verification of message passing program composition; PART FIVE Safety Critical and Safety Monitor Systems; 9 Prescriptive specification checking for hazard prevention in computer-controlled safety-critical systems; 10 Object-oriented Safety Monitor Synthesis; 11 Modification of Safety Critical Systems: An Assessment of three Approaches; PART SIX Software-Intensive Systems Security; 12 Selected Legal Issues Related to Internet Use; 13 Security of World Wide Web Search Engines. 14 The Cascade Vulnerability Problem for Open Distributed Systems: A Review15 Improving the Quality of Secure Distributed Systems; PART SEVEN Applications and Experiences; 16 Partnership with Customers in Product Improvement; 17 Introducing the Goal-Question-Metric approach to telecommunications software development: the PITA experiment; 18 Software Development and Testing for Shipyard Robotic Welding; 19 Testing based on users' quality needs; PART EIGHT Poster Papers; 20 An evaluation scheme of software testing techniques. 21 Real-MFG: A Petri Net based model focusing on the integration of schedulability and fault tolerance22 Design of an Integrated Educational Software Development Environment Oriented in Reuse and Quality Assurance of Products and Processes; 23 An Approach to Improve Software Quality in Length Measurement Calibration; INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS; KEYWORD INDEX.