Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology, 150
Bibliogr. p. 99-106. Index.
1 Brain Development in Normal and reeler Mice: The Phenotype.- 1.1 Some Introductory Background.- 1.2 The Early Development of the Normal Cerebral Cortex.- 1.2.1 Orientation of Mitoses in the Ventricular Zone.- 1.2.2 The Preplate.- 1.2.3 The Early Marginal Zone.- 1.2.4 The Appearance of the Cortical Plate.- 1.3 Early Cortical Histogenesis in reeler Mutant Mice.- 1.4 The reeler Cerebellum.- 1.5 The reeler Inferior Olivary Complex.- 1.6 The Facial Nerve Nucleus and Other Targets.- 1.6.1 Other Targets of the reeler Gene.- 1.7 ECM Components and Cortical Development.- 1.7.1 ECM and Fiber Growth.- 1.7.2 Integrins.- 2 Genetics of reeler and Genomics of reelin.- 2.1 Genetics and the Various Alleles of reeler.- 2.1.1 Rat reeler-like Mutations.- 2.1.2 Other Mouse Mutations with a reeler-like Phenotype.- 2.2 Mapping of reeler and Cloning of reelin.- 2.2.1 Mapping.- 2.2.2 The reelin cDNA.- 2.3 Genomic Organization of the reelin Gene.- 2.3.1 Alternative Splicing of the reelin Gene.- Alternative Use of a Six Base Pair Microexon.- Alternative Polyadenylation.- 2.3.2 The Promoter Region.- 2.3.3 Clues to the Possible Origin of the reelin Repeats?.- 3 Topography and Cellular Localization of reelin mRNA and Protein Expression During Brain Development.- 3.1 reelin mRNA Expression During Development.- 3.2 Study of Reelin Protein Expression Using Antibodies to Reelin.- 3.2.1 Antireelin Antibodies.- 3.2.2 Reelin Protein Expression During Mouse Brain and Human Cortical Development.- 3.2.3 Studies of Reelin Function Using Antireelin Antibodies.- 3.2.4 Is the Reelin Protein Processed in the Embryonic Mouse Brain?.- 3.3 Some Questions Raised by the Studies of Reelin Expression.- 3.3.1 Cajal-Retzius Cells and Other Reelin-positive Cells in the Developing Cortical Marginal Zone.- 3.3.2 Does Reelin Act on Postmigratory Neurons, Radial Glia or Both?.- 3.3.3 Reelin Expression is Poorly Correlated With the reeler Phenotype.- 3.3.4 Reelin as a Repulsive, Extracellular Matrix-Expanding Molecule?.- 3.3.5 Reelin and Axonal Growth.- 4 The reeler Mutation and Brain Evolution.- 4.1 The Evolution of Brain Development: A New Theme?.- 4.2 Comparative Data on Cell Migration, Maturation, Synaptogenesis And Neurogenesis.- 4.3 Comparison of Cortical Plate Development in Emys and Lacerta.- 4.3.1 Biological Mechanisms Involved in the Histogenesis of the Cortical Plate.- 4.3.2 Evolutionary Considerations.- 4.4 Reelin and a Model of Cortical Evolution.- 5 A Model of Cortical Development Inspired by reeler: Facts and Hypotheses.- 5.1 Early Hypotheses on the Actions of the reeler Gene on the Developing Brain.- 5.1.1 Reeler and Cell Interaction/Adhesion.- 5.1.2 The Action of the reeler Gene is Intrinsic to the Neuroepithelium.- 5.1.3 Reeler Phenotype and Radial Glial Fibers.- 5.2 Mouse Disabledl and the Scrambler/yotari Mutations.- 5.3 Cyclin-Dependent Protein Kinase 5 and its Activator p35: Definition of a New Step in Mammalian Cortical Development.- 5.4 Reeler-Type Malformations and Human Neuropathology.- References.
Biologie du développement -- Souris.
Encéphale -- croissance et développement -- Souris.