The Golden Dawn journal. Book IV, The Magical pantheons
edited by Chic Cicero, Sandra Tabatha Cicero.
1st ed
St. Paul, Minn.
Llewellyn Publications
[x], 273 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Llewellyn's Golden Dawn series.
Introduction: Gods and humans / Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero --;Pagans and Neo-Pagans / M. Isidora Forrest --;Samothracian fire / Steven Cranmer --;The ancient ones of the Irish Faery-Faith / Kisma K. Stepanich --;The incomplete mythological pantheons of the Golden Dawn / Pat Zalewski --;In the beginning was the word / Harvey Newstrom --;Hebrew hierarchical names in Briah / James A. Eshelman --;Osiris and Christ / John Michael Greer --;Do the gods exist? / Donald Michael Kraig.