Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 26 juin 2008).
PART I: INTRODUCTION: Perspectives from the global ocean data assimilation experiment / N. Smith --;PART II: MODELING: Some ocean models fundamentals / S. Griffies --;Models of ocean: which ocean? / A.M. Treguler --;On the use of hybrid vertical coordinates in ocean circulation modeling / R. Bleck --;Nesting ocean models / E. Blayo and L. Debren --;PART III: OCEANOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS AND ATMOSPHERIC FORCING: Satellite measurements for operational ocean models / I. Robinson --;In-situ observations: platforms and techniques / U. Send --;In-situ observations: operational systems and data management / S. Pouliquen --;Surface fluxes for practitioners of global ocean data assimilation / W. Large --;PART IV: DATA ASSIMILATION: Ocean data assimilation using sequential models based on the Kalman filter --;What is data assimilation really solving, and how is the calculation actually done? / I. Fukumori --;Importance of data: a meteorological perspective / F. Rabier --;The ECMWF perspective / D. Anderson, M. Balmaseda, and A. Vidard --;PART V: SYSTEMS: MERCATOR OCEAN global to regional ocean monitoring and forecasting / P. Bahurel --;The Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) system / M. Bell, R. Barciela, A. Hines, M. Martin, A. Sellar, and D. Storkey --;Ocean prediction with the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) / E. Chassignet, H. Hurlburt, O.M. Smedstad, G. Halliwell, P. Hogan, A. Wallcraft, and R. Bleck --;BLUElink: large-to-coastal scale operational oceanography in the Southern Hemisphere / A. Schiller and N. Smith --;Operational oceanography: a European perspective / J.F. Minister --;MERSEA: development of a European ocean monitoring and forecasting system / Y. Desaubies --;Internal metrics definition for operational forecast systems inter-comparison: Europe in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea / L. Crosnier and C. Le Provost --;Operational oceanography in the U.S, Navy: a GODAE perspective / J. Harding and J. Rigney --;Applications of ocean forecast information for economic advancement in developed and developing societies / M. Altalo --;Forecasting the drift of objects and substances in the ocean / B. Hackett, O. Breivik, and C. Wettre --;On the use of data assimilation in biogeochemical modeling / A. Oschlies --;Ocean forecast and analysis models for coastal observatories / J. Wilkin and L. Lanerolle --;Appendix.