Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science.
Literaturverz. S. [187] - 196.
Foreword by B.J. Copeland and D. Proudfoot.- INTRODUCTION: Turing's Anticipation of Connectionism. Alan Mathison Turing. Connectionism and Artificial Neural Networks. Historical Context and Related Work. Organization of the Book. Book Web-Site.- INTELLIGENT MACHINERY: Machines. Turing's Unorganized Machines. Formalization and Analysis of Unorganized Machines. New Unorganized Machines. Simulation of TBI-type Machines with MATLAB.- SYNTHESIS OF LOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND DIGITAL SYSTEMS WITH TURING NETWORKS: Combinational versus Sequential Systems. Synthesis of Logical Functions with A-type Networks. Synthesis of Logical Functions with TB-type Networks. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. Delay-Unit. Shift-Register. How to Design Complex Systems. Hardware Implementation.- ORGANIZING UNORGANIZED MACHINES: Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks. Example: Evolve Networks that Regenerate Bitstreams. Signal Processing in Turing Networks. Pattern Classification. Examples: Pattern Classification with Genetic Algorithms. A Learning Algorithm for Turing Networks.- NETWORK PROPERTIES AND CHARACTERISTICS: General Properties. Computational Power. State Machines. Threshold Logic. Dynamical Systems and the State-Space Model. Random Boolean Networks. Attractors. Network Stability and Activity. Chaos, Bifurcation, and Self-Organized Criticality. Topological Evolution and Self-Organization. Hypercomputation: Computing Beyond the Turing Limit with Turing's Neural Networks?- EPILOGUE.