Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biolog. 20.
Alton Meister
John Wiley & Sons
(498 pages)
ADVANCES IN ENZYMOLOGY AND RELATED SUBJECTS OF BIOCHEMISTRY; CONTENTS; Possible Relation between Optical Activity and Aging; Kinetics and Equilibria in the Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase System; The Roles of Imidazole in Biological Systems; Uridinediphospho Galactose : Metabolism, Enzymology, and Biology; Neurnminidase: Its Substrate and Mode of Action; The Constitution of the Respiratory Chain in Animal Tissues.; Enzyniology of the Plaetids; Enzymic Transformations of Steroids by Microorganisms; The Mechanism of Hydrolysis by Cholinesterase and Related Enzymes. The Biosynthesis of Dicarboxylic Amino Acids and Enzymic Transformations of Amides in PlantsPectic Substances and Pectic Enzymes; Antibiotics and Plant Diseases; Author Index; Subject Index; Cumulative Indexes of Volumes I-XX.