Practical guide to organic field-effect transistor circuit design
Antony Sou.
Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire
A Smithers Group Company
This book explores the theory and practice of designing with organic transistors. The field of organic electronics spans a very wide range of disciplines from physics and chemistry to hardware and software engineering. This makes the field of organic circuit design a daunting prospect full of intimidating complexities, yet to be exploited to its true potential. Small focused research groups also find it difficult to move beyond their usual boundaries and create systems-on-foil that are comparable with the established silicon world. This book has been written to address these issues, intended for two main audiences; firstly, physics or materials researchers who have thus far designed circuits using only basic drawing software; and secondly, experienced silicon CMOS VLSI design engineers who are already knowledgeable in the design of full custom transistor level circuits but are not familiar with organic devices or thin film transistor (TFT) devices.