Foreword / by Philip V. Swan --;Acknowledgements --;Introduction --;First things first --;Strategy : a blueprint for your family --;Mission : keeping your family on track --;Vision and values : put family members and principles first --;Getting your family on board --;Forging family partnerships --;Setting goals and celebrating milestones --;Every family member matters : roles, responsibilities, and making --;Decisions --;Family investing is more sense than dollars --;Family I.Q. : education and training --;Family E.Q. : getting along to get ahead --;Family audit : guidance and mentoring --;Staying on track --;Financial sustainability: working with your money, not against it --;Family sustainability: risk and resilience --;Long-term planning --;Family dividends : gratitude and legacy --;Family R & D : preparing the next generation --;The future of your family : no success without succession.
The Business of Family teaches readers how to write their own family business plan using time-tested strategies from the corporate world to provide a practical, user-friendly method that ensures their family knows where it's been, where it's headed, and how it's going to get there.