One --;1. Corporate Giving: The Untapped Potential --;2. A Strategy for Corporate Giving and Community Involvement --;3. Corporate Disclosure: Let the Sun Shine In --;4. Organizing for Effective Giving --;5. Proposal Evaluation: Impulse, Habit, or Reason --;6. Employee Involvement: A Rich but Underutilized Resource --;7. Fifteen Ways to Provide Valuable Support without Making a Cash Contribution --;8. Helping Nonprofits to Be Managed More Effectively --;9. How Corporate Executives Can Be More Effective Board Members of Nonprofit Organizations --;10. United Giving: The Only Way to Fly? --;Two --;11. Aid to Education: A Solemn Duty --;12. Free Enterprise: Should Business Support Those Who Don't Support the System? --;13. Helping Minorities: Education, Jobs, and Housing --;14. Support for Women's Causes --;15. Family Planning: Parenthood by Choice-Not by Chance --;16. Addiction Research and Treatment --;17. Employment: Looking for New Ways to Work --;18. Environment and Ecology --;19. Common Ground: A Community Garden on Company Land --;20. Better Transit Systems for Work Trips --;21. Support of the Arts: Fastest Growing Area of Corporate Philanthropy --;22. Public Television: Vital Communications and Cultural Need --;23. International Assistance: Several Projects in Latin America --;24. Human Rights and a Peaceful World.
Our father and uncle set an example for us, and the tradition goes back to our great uncles and their uncle, Levi Strauss himself. It opened my eyes to areas in which business could become involved, areas I never before thought of as business responsibilities-even areas where it could have an impact.